Production process route and characteristics of polyester filament

    The production process of polyester filament has developed rapidly with the advancement of mechanical manufacturing technology and chemical processing technology, and there are many types. According to spinning speed, it can be divided into conventional spinning process, medium speed spinning process, and high-speed spinning process. Polyester raw materials can be divided into melt direct spinning and slice spinning. The direct spinning method is to directly feed the melt in the polymerization kettle into the spinning machine for spinning; Slicing spinning method is to melt the polyester melt produced by the condensation process through casting, granulation, and pre spinning drying, and then use a screw extruder to melt the slices into the melt before spinning. According to the process flow, there are three-step, two-step, and one-step methods.

    The spinning, stretching, and deformation processing of polyester filament are carried out at various spindle positions. When processing the previous wire ingot in the subsequent process, although some shortcomings can be improved or compensated for by adjusting the process of the subsequent process, some shortcomings not only cannot be compensated for, but may also be amplified, such as differences between ingot positions. Therefore, reducing the difference between ingot positions is the key to ensuring the quality of filament. With the development of spinning technology, the production of polyester filament has the following production characteristics.

1. High production speed

2. Large roll capacity

3. High quality requirements for raw materials

4. Strict process control

5. Require the implementation of Total Quality Management

6. Require proper inspection, packaging, and storage and transportation work

Post time: Sep-06-2024